I'm Back


I'm Back


I'm Back


I'm Back


I'm Back


Hey everybody. After a long hiatus, and the first video in 2023, I’m proud to announce that I am Officially Back!

in 2022, i uploaded a Chapter 3 trailer in feburary 26th.

And I was busy last year because, Lack of motivation, And stuff like that.

This time I'm going to show you Guys what I've been working on, For the past month.

Mrar now has a new look for New viewers, and Returning ones, These are A lot of changes for Mrar.

First is the sprites, Sprites are essentially avatars that move around.

They are used in other things such as games, and more.

Second is Backgrounds and assets.

Backgrounds are animated ones that move the entire animation. Such as moving text, Logos, Effects, Particles, and more.

And finally, Sources and thumbnails, Sources are notifications that show you what Videos, Music, and Articles are shown.

and Thumbnails will be still there but with a few tweeks.

Some images are placed, Like logos, Gaming, Tech, Etc, and Mrar Logo will be still there.

And subtitles will be there As in scripts, With selected languages will be available, So you can

I did want to just have a quick chat to you guys, I did just disappear from everything.

And I'm sorry, I never officially told you guys What I was doing.

I had a lot of things going on in the Real world. I went from uploading every single day, To just a couple times a Week.

That's when I thought It was time to just take a Short break, to refresh my brain.

All of a sudden for half a year, I have basically started a new life, and I'm excited to Get back into content.